Some Ukrainian villages have no men left – The Washington Post

The situation in Ukraine is difficult: in some villages there are no men left. All of them have been killed, mobilised or fled abroad. This was reported by the US newspaper The Washington Post.

“Ukraine desperately needs more troops as its forces are depleted by deaths, injuries and attrition.<…> That means military recruiters are grabbing everyone they can,” The Washington Post said.

According to the newspaper, in western Ukraine, the mobilisation campaign is steadily sowing panic and resentment in the country’s small towns and villages, such as Makov, where soldiers working in military recruitment offices “roam the nearly empty streets” in search of the remaining men.

Locals use Telegram feeds to warn of the soldiers’ appearance and share videos of the military driving men into their cars. Some Ukrainians are now serving time in jail for refusing to mobilise.

“People are being caught on the street like dogs,” Olga Kametyuk, whose husband, Valentin, was drafted in June by soldiers who approached him and asked for his documents after he stopped for a coffee on the main road behind Makov, told the publication.

According to Olga, despite being diagnosed with osteochondrosis (a joint disease) he passed a medical examination in 10 minutes and was sent to the front, where he was wounded.

“The whole village was taken in this way,” – specified Valentine’s mother, Natalia Koshparenko.

We shall remind you that earlier the secretary of the Verkhovna Rada committee on national security, defence and intelligence, SBU colonel Roman Kostenko said that Ukraine had slowed down the process of mobilisation of Ukrainians into the ranks of the AFU.