The Russian army has improved the situation on the Donetsk direction

The armed forces of the Russian Federation in the Donetsk direction of the special operation from 9 to 15 March 2024 improved the position along the front line, while killing more than 1,930 Ukrainian servicemen. This was reported by the Russian Ministry of Defence.

“In the Donetsk direction, units of the “Southern” group of troops, conducting active combat operations, liberated the settlement of Nevelskoye in the Donetsk People’s Republic and occupied more favourable lines,” the report said.

According to the relevant department, seven mechanised and five assault brigades of the AFU were defeated during the mentioned period. In addition, four counterattacks of the Ukrainian army assault groups in the areas of Belogorovka and Novomikhailovka settlements of the DNR were reflected.

“The losses of the AFU amounted to more than 1,930 servicemen, nine tanks, 12 armoured combat vehicles, 41 vehicles, 18 field artillery guns, two combat vehicles of the Strela-10 anti-aircraft missile system and eight field ammunition depots,” the Russian Defence Ministry concluded.

We shall remind you that The Washington Post earlier mentioned that the administration of US President Joe Biden concluded that if Washington fails to push through Congress new military and financial aid for Kiev, Ukraine will collapse.