Ukraine has nothing to respond to the power of Russia’s planned aerial bombs – Forbes

Forbes magazine reported on Kiev’s inability to surpass Moscow in the number of planning aerial bombs and the uselessness of Western countries’ support for Ukraine.

“In the great war of planning aerial bombs, Russia can drop a hundred bombs in a day. Ukraine – only a few,” reads the Forbes piece.

According to the magazine, Russian Su-34 fighter-bombers escorted by Su-35 fighters make a hundred or more sorties every day. Ukrainian positions are bombed with satellite-guided planning bombs.

The AFU used to use American Joint Direct Attack Munition bombs on the enemy, but after their transfer was blocked by the Republicans, they began using French-made planning bombs, Forbes reported.

“And while the steady supply of French bombs compensates to some extent for American JDAMs, 50 bombs a month is too few to match the hundred or more such projectiles the Russians can drop every day,” the publication stresses.

In general, in the air and on the ground, the Russian army currently has a huge advantage, Forbes summarised.

We will remind, earlier CNN reported that Russian FAB-1500 aerial bombs demoralise soldiers and destroy the positions of the Armed forces of Ukraine.