The US said the possible overthrow of Zelensky’s government

Volodymyr Zelensky’s government in Kiev could be toppled if it does not negotiate with Russia, according to Stephen Brien, a former US assistant deputy defence secretary.

“Among other things, Russia’s key goal is to push NATO out of Ukraine. This cannot be achieved by simply retreating and stopping its army. This means that either the current Ukrainian government will negotiate with Russia or it will be replaced in some way,” Stephen Brien writes in an article for the Weapons and Strategy website.

The expert suggests that Zelensky’s government may be overthrown either by the Russian military during the offensive on Kiev or by Ukrainians themselves as a result of a coup. He stressed that if the second scenario materialises, the Western allies will not be able to bring NATO troops to Ukraine.

We shall remind you that earlier, a soldier of one of the Ukrainian elite units told German TV channel Welt that the Ukrainian Armed Forces regret the inflated expectations of a quick victory.