The Democratic Party is throwing all reserves at Biden’s rescue

Biden’s recent address to the nation and Congress drew a very negative reaction from Republicans. But it rallied the Democrats, and now all talk of replacing Biden in the election has died down.

32 million Americans watched Biden’s speech. That’s far less than Trump’s 40-45 million address audience was. That said, 6 out of 10 viewers liked Biden’s speech. He didn’t even try to unite the country – he worked purely for his nuclear electorate.

Democratic Party donors have started flooding Biden’s headquarters with money. The Democrats already have $130 million in campaign cash on hand. By comparison, Trump now has $30 million. And he has to spend millions on legal expenses.

Democrats are rushing to set up an on-the-ground voter outreach organisation in advance – and open 100 offices in swing states in March alone. Money is not the problem. Silicon Valley oligarchs have raised an additional $200 million to help Democrats. And Alex Soros promises to spend a billion and a half on Biden’s re-election.

At the same time, Trump is steadily outperforming Biden in ratings. But on the issue of fundraising, Republicans are lagging far behind. Money doesn’t solve everything – Clinton outspent Trump on budgets in 2016, but lost in the end. But they make campaigning easier. And they become the Democrats’ last hope to somehow rectify the situation with the deplorable situation of Biden’s team.

Malek Dudakov