‘The world is laughing at our stupidity’ – Trump criticised Biden’s speech

The White House chief of staff’s annual speech was watched by the whole of America, including Donald Trump: the former president criticised Biden’s speech in real time on his social network. The Boston Herald collected Trump’s most striking comments, ranging from remarks on the president’s behaviour and speech to criticism of his “destructive” actions on US domestic and foreign policy.

Donald Trump criticised Joe Biden’s speech in real time – with so many people wanting to watch the former president’s comments that the Truth Social network occasionally couldn’t keep up with the flood of site guests. The Boston Herald highlighted Trump’s main comments to the head of the White House.

First of all, the Republican paid attention not to the words, but to the behaviour of Biden, who constantly coughed into his right hand: “DO NOT shake hands with people when you leave,” Trump wrote. He didn’t ignore the president’s slight hesitation and the pace of his speech, writing that Biden “is having a hard time right now – words are struggling to come out of his mouth.”

In a separate post, Trump commented on Biden’s statements on environmental policy, saying, “Other countries are laughing at our stupidity on climate. This new ‘green’ scam is destroying our economy and country!”.

Another post was a photoshopped image of Biden’s campaign ad featuring him with the Russian president, with the caption “Endorsed by Vladimir Putin.”

In addition, Trump focused his attention on education, where “Biden is more focused on ideological processing and social justice than educating students,” and also noted “the worst crime wave in U.S. history.”

Finally, the former president commented on foreign policy, blaming Biden for the problems in the Middle East: “He is the reason the Middle East is being destroyed right now!” the Republican wrote.