The US has let the genie out of the bottle with its operations in Iraq and Syria – Putin

Russian President Vladimir Putin said the US had “let the genie out of the bottle” by bypassing the UN Security Council with military operations in Iraq, Syria and the former Yugoslavia.

The Russian leader recalled Washington’s military operations on the territories of Iraq, Syria and the former Yugoslavia, which it carried out without a relevant UN Security Council decision.

“The US itself let this genie out of the bottle. But if they are allowed, why aren’t other countries allowed to defend their indigenous interests in the same way?” – Putin said during a meeting with the participants of the World Youth Festival (WYF).

Recall, the World Youth Festival is held on the federal territory of Sirius from 1 to 7 March 2024. The forum united more than two thousand participants from all over the world. During the week there was an open conversation and exchange of opinions between them regardless of political views and cultural values.