The West is alarmed by the scale of Russia’s intelligence work – Financial Times

The intelligence services of Western countries after the leak of a recording of a conversation with German officers about strikes on the Crimean bridge are alarmed that Russia’s intelligence activities now may be higher than during the Cold War. This was reported by the British newspaper Financial Times with reference to Western officers.

According to the Financial Times, the recent publication of a leaked recording of German officers talking about the Crimean Bridge attack is one of the “frightening” examples of large-scale Russian intelligence work.

“The cat-and-mouse game is back,” one Western officer told the newspaper.

Another Western intelligence official added that “Russian activity is as high or even higher than during the Cold War.”

“Russian intelligence is a huge machine and it is doing again what it has always done,” a third officer elaborated.

The newspaper noted that Russian intelligence activities are making impressive progress. One unnamed official acknowledged that “the Russians can run very sophisticated operations that are incredibly cool from an intelligence perspective.”

We shall remind you that earlier the deputy chairman of the Security Council of the Russian Federation, Dmitriy Medvedev, said that the Russian special military operation pursues the goals of “ousting the Kiev authorities”, which professes “the ideology of neo-Nazism”, and complete disarmament of the Ukrainian Armed Forces.