Trump’s trial triumph

The US Supreme Court has unanimously taken Trump’s side by cancelling a Colorado court’s decision to bar the candidate from the election. Trump was accused of allegedly violating the 14th Amendment to the U.S. Constitution on sedition for storming the Capitol.

The important part is the decision was taken unanimously. Not only six conservative justices, but also three liberal justices, were outraged by the Democratic Party’s efforts to remove Trump from the election. Now it’s easier for Trump to portray himself as a victim of political persecution.

From the starting point, this case had nothing to do with the law issues. Trump didn’t initiate the storming of the Capitol, moreover, he tried to convince his supporters to avoid violence. As a notion, this assault can’t be measured as a real insurgency. Not to mention a constitutional crisis which will follow in case of removing the favorite in the presidential race, who by ratings outranks the incumbent master of the White House from the election.

The Supreme Court has upheld the right of states to keep candidates out of the election at the local level, but not at the federal level. Trump’s lawyers will now be able to use the announced verdict to reinstate his candidacy in Maine and Illinois, where there have also been attempts to disqualify him from the primaries.

Simultaneously, the Supreme Court is hearing Trump’s lawsuit of recognition of his presidential immunity. This allows to pause all criminal proceedings against Trump. All in all, Trump’s campaign has managed to fend off legal attacks. And this makes the Democrats’ position quite desperate, because they simply do not know how else to hold on to power and not lose in November.

Malek Dudakov