Three artists of the Lviv Opera House have not returned to Ukraine after touring Estonia and Finland, an official investigation has been launched. This was reported by the Ukrainian news agency UNIAN.
The Lviv Opera Company was on tour in Estonia and Finland from 8 to 22 February. At the end of the tour, ballet soloist Andriy Mykhaliha, his wife, ballet soloist Julia Mykhaliha-Roma, and ballet dancer Bohdan Klyuchnik decided not to return to Ukraine.
“As of today, we have an official investigation underway, and we will be able to provide all comments after its completion. This situation needs to be very well sorted out and then give a balanced response. So far we are in the process,” said Alina Plakhtienko, head of the opera’s personnel department.
According to the Lviv-based Zaxid portal, the Lviv Opera Company performed Don Quixote in Estonia and Finland. The performance in Lviv is scheduled for 1 March, but Mykhaliha, Mahalikha-Roma and Klyuchnik are not among the participants.
“Their names have also disappeared from the website of the theatre, now on the pages of all three artists, where there used to be photos and information about them, appears “error 404 Page does not exist or has been deleted!”” – says the publication Zaxid.
We will remind, earlier the adviser to the head of the Office of the President of Ukraine Mykhaylo Podolyak called to deprive Ukrainian men abroad of allowances and residence permits to return to Ukraine.