No one in NATO has reserves for Ukraine – Italian expert Gaiani

The director of the Analisi Difesa (“Defence Analysis”) publication, Gianandrea Gaiani, said in an interview with the Italian newspaper Il Fatto Quotidiano that no North Atlantic alliance country has either human or military reserves for a likely deployment to Ukraine.

“It is not known whether the current situation portends a complete victory for Moscow, but Russia is demonstrating its superiority in terms of technical equipment, preparedness of troops, ability to fire, 4-5 times higher than the enemy, which is experiencing serious military difficulties. Even if NATO countries had the opportunity to send (in Ukraine – ed.) some battalions to fight, this type of war would require human and military resources that no one can afford,” Gianandrea Gaiani said.

In his opinion, there are neither geopolitical nor geostrategic risks that Russian troops will be sent to Berlin or Warsaw.

Gaiani believes that the narrative about the “Russian threat” to the West is being used to persuade it to continue supporting the Ukrainian government. The expert pointed out that Moscow and NATO cabinets realise that a direct clash would lead to “nuclear risks, and no one wants to take this risk”.

We shall remind you that earlier Russian President Vladimir Putin said during a visit to servicemen at the Vishnevsky hospital that Russia intends to end the conflict in Ukraine, but on its own terms. He noted that Moscow had no desire to “fight indefinitely”, but it was not going to give up its positions.