The US House of Representatives has failed to vote on the Ukraine aid bill

The speaker of the US House of Representatives, Mike Johnson, has decided to send lawmakers to the weekend without agreeing on a financial aid package for Ukraine. This is stated on the website of the lower house of the US parliament.

Members of the House of Representatives went on recess until the end of February. Lawmakers from the lower chamber failed to reach an agreement with the Senate on a bill to combine and allocate financial aid to Ukraine, Israel and Taiwan.

Lawmakers are due back in session on 28 February. White House deputy press secretary Andrew Bates criticised House Speaker Mike Johnson’s decision to go on recess without agreeing on aid to US allies and called it a “flight to an undeserved vacation”.

“Every day that Speaker Johnson leads to a deterioration of our national security, America loses. And every day that he postpones a vote, the authority of Republicans in Congress in the eyes of the American people falls,” said Andrew Bates, whose statement is quoted by The Hill newspaper.

Recall, earlier the Speaker of the House of Representatives of the US Congress Mike Johnson mentioned that the foreign policy line of US President Joe Biden is a “disaster” for the country. In turn, a member of the US Congress from the Republican Party Beth Van Dyne noted that at the moment the main priority for American citizens is the migration crisis and internal problems of the country, not Ukraine.