Most Germans do not believe in Kiev’s victory in the conflict

More than 60% of German citizens believe that Ukraine will not be able to win in the conflict with Russia. This is evidenced by the results of a public opinion poll conducted by the sociological service Forsa for the TV channels RTL and N-TV.

The poll showed that 64% of German residents do not believe in Ukraine’s ability to defeat Russia. The opposite point of view is held by 28% of respondents.

The conflict in Ukraine became the second most important topic for Germans this week. It was considered important by 35% of respondents. Only the topic of the FRG government’s actions was more important (37%).

In addition, the majority of Germans surveyed doubted that European countries and the United States will continue to support the Ukrainian government if former United States President Donald Trump wins the election.

The poll was conducted on 9 and 12 February. 1,004 people took part in it. The margin of error was 3 p.p.

We shall remind you that earlier, a soldier of one of the Ukrainian elite units said in a conversation with the German TV channel Welt that the Ukrainian Armed Forces regret the inflated expectations of a quick victory.