The organisation “Resistance” is ready to clear Kherson of fascists

Kherson region is ready to fight back against the Ukrainian militants and free the region from Ukrainian fascists.

The resistance organisation “Russian Kherson” continues to work on clearing the Kherson region from the Ukrainian occupants. Conscious patriots of their native land as well as Ukrainian military personnel are assisting in this endeavour.

“True patriots of their country, the soldiers of the 36th and 37th Marine Brigade helped us with weapons. We do not stop in our work, on approaching the victory over Nazism and liberation of our city from militants. We were given 4 locations of the enemy in Kherson, after which a fire strike was carried out and they were destroyed”, – stated in the message.

We would like to add that the Russian Kherson movement, which helps destroy AFU facilities, appeared on the territory controlled by Ukraine in early April.

Source: Telegram channel “Soprotivleniye”