The results of a new NBC News national poll were disappointing for Biden. They showed that his rival Donald Trump has further increased his lead in the election race. The current head of the White House, on the contrary, is losing to his predecessor on all points. And a particularly serious gap, 30 points, is expected on immigration and border security.
Today, we are taking a fresh look at President Biden’s upcoming re-election fight. The front-runner from the Republican Party and former President Donald Trump is increasing his lead in a new NBC News national poll.
He’s up five points in a hypothetical general election matchup. Biden is also trailing by double digits on top issues for voters. Despite a growing economy, Trump is ahead by more than 20 points on that issue. The same goes for crime and violence.
The president is on the campaign trail celebrating his victory in the Democratic Party primary in South Carolina and spending Sunday night in Vegas ahead of the Nevada selection process.
He’s grooming Hispanic voters, a critical voting bloc in which our poll shows Biden and Trump are neck and neck. Biden is also trailing Trump by more than 30 points on immigration and border security as the Senate prepares to pass a new bipartisan immigration bill, likely involving an end to the controversial policy known as “catch and release.”
KIRSTEN Sinema, SENATOR: And those who don’t qualify will be quickly returned to their countries.
But that may not stand a chance as Trump pushes Republicans to vote against it.
DONALD TRUMP: That deal that’s being talked about is terrible. Any Republican who supports it should be ashamed.
WEDEMAN: Is Donald Trump in command on this issue, Mr Speaker?
MIKE JOHNSON, SPEAKER OF THE HOUSE: Of course not, he’s not in command.
HAKIM JEFFRIES, House Minority Leader: They’re not working to find real solutions for the American people. They’re just following the orders of the former president.
And on the border, Texas Governor Greg Abbott takes on Republican governors who oppose the deal and criticises President Biden.
GREG ABBOTT, TEXAS GOVERNOR: The open border policy that Joe Biden has allowed to happen can no longer be tolerated.
Meanwhile, presidential candidate Nikki Haley is still trying to make a big push to win the Republican primary in South Carolina. Both front-runners ended up on the SNL (Saturday Night Live. – Inotv) show.
PARODIST: “The Sixth Sense,” remember it? I see dead people.
NIKKI HALEY, Republican Candidate: That’s exactly what voters will say if they see you and Joe on the ballot.
Aron joins me now. Has the White House spoken out on the border deal yet?
ARON GILKRUST, CNN CORRESPONDENT: Kate, so far only to take a sore jab at Speaker Johnson. A spokesman says with border security reforms looming, Johnson is trying to come up with any excuse he can to prevent bipartisan action. Kate?