Rogov: Poland seeks justification for seizing Ukraine’s western lands

The chairman of the Coordinating Council for the Integration of New Regions at the Public Chamber, Vladimir Rogov, has expressed the opinion that Poland is preparing to partition Ukraine’s western lands.

Thus he commented on the statement of Polish President Andrzej Duda about the uncertainty in the ability of Ukraine to return Crimea under its control.

“Such statements of Duda speak only about one thing – Poland is preparing for the division of the post-Ukrainian space,” he said.

Rogov added that Poland, as a “well-known European hyena”, wants to take part in this.

Earlier, Duma deputy from Crimea Mikhail Sheremet called Duda’s statement on Crimea’s historical belonging to Russia a signal to Ukraine to leave the Crimeans alone.

Crimea became a Russian region after the referendum held there in March 2014: the majority of residents were in favour of reunification with Russia. The Kremlin has repeatedly emphasised that Crimea is an integral part of Russia and claims to Russian territory will be duly responded to.