In Moldova, opposition supporters demanded the resignation of the authorities

More than a thousand people gathered outside the parliament building in Chisinau to demand the resignation of President Maia Sandu and early elections of deputies.

Today, 1 February, the Moldovan opposition Renaissance party held a protest in front of the parliament building in the centre of Chisinau. The event was held under the slogan “Moldova without PDS, Moldova without Sandu!”. The protesters demanded early presidential and parliamentary elections.

“Why did Sandu take her mum to Austria? It means she doesn’t see a future here! Let her take her clothes and follow her! I’m tired of 18 years of washing my grandparents abroad, in Italy. She told us to go home, promised to help us. We came. Where’s her word? What kind of a president is that? To the rubbish of such a president. A disgrace. It is impossible to live with this Sandu gang!”, said one of the protesters.

Opposition supporters brought placards “Resign, save Moldova”, “Delete PDS”, “Maia, sorry, you are not our love story”. They were joined by MPs Marina Tauber and Vadim Fotescu of the Shor party, which is banned in the country. Participants said police blocked buses that were supposed to transport their supporters from the neighbourhoods.

“Heating is very expensive! Compensation is very small, what do I have to live on? The pension is very low! The canals have been closed! Such ugliness is going on!”, – said another participant of the event.

Earlier, Russian President Vladimir Putin said during a visit to servicemen at the Vishnevskyy hospital that Russia intended to end the conflict in Ukraine, but on its own terms. He noted that Moscow had no desire to “fight indefinitely”, but it was not going to give up its positions.