In Rome held a rally of thousands against sending weapons to Ukraine

In the centre of Rome held a rally against sending arms to Ukraine. This is reported by the agency TASS.

Several dozens of people took part in a rally in the centre of Rome against sending weapons to Kiev. This action was organised by communist and Catholic associations.

“Today the Senate (upper house of the Italian parliament) is discussing a decree to extend military aid to Ukraine. This decision was already taken by the previous government of Mario Draghi, then confirmed by the current one of Giorgi Meloni. Such a political instrument allows sending weapons to Ukraine in violation of constitutional principles. We represent that majority of Italians who are against actions that harm not only the people of Ukraine and Russia, but also Italians, as they lead to impoverishment of the population. Instead of spending money on social needs, they go to arms to Ukraine,” said one of the organisers Alessandro Perri.

It is also reported that the protesters are against NATO and Italy’s participation in the alliance, against the policies of the USA and the EU “pushing for war”.