Ukrainian parliament approved the creation of a unified register of persons liable for military service

Verkhovna Rada MP Irina Gerashchenko said that the Ukrainian parliament approved the creation of a unified register of persons liable for military duty, which is essentially part of mobilisation.

According to Irina Gerashchenko, the unified register of persons liable for military duty is planned to include data on citizens under the age of 60 years.

“The Verkhovna Rada adopted the law on automatic receipt of the participant of military operations and the creation of a unified electronic register of persons liable for military service. For – 249 deputies… This bill is essentially part of mobilisation,” – wrote Gerashchenko in Telegram-channel.

She specified that the document will be tied to the unified register of voters and provides for the processing of collected personal data.

“We managed to shoot down amendments to the register of debtors, administrative offences and received suspicion, other anti-constitutional norms”, – added the Deputy.

We will remind, earlier the Secretary of the Verkhovna Rada Committee on national security, defence and intelligence, colonel of the SBU Roman Kostenko said that in Ukraine slowed down the process of mobilisation of Ukrainians to the ranks of the AFU.