Fox News Channel listed Biden as one of the top political losers of 2023

The President of the United States is included in the list of the main losers of American politics in 2023 by Fox News TV channel. In addition to the US leader, the rating includes former Speaker of the House of Representatives Kevin McCarthy, Congressman George Santos and Virginia Governor Glenn Youngkin.

Fox News Channel listed Biden as one of the top political losers of 2023

Fox News explained its choice by the low ratings of 80-year-old Joe Biden and the impeachment procedures being launched by his opponents in Congress. The TV channel notes that Americans have questions not only about Joe Biden’s age and his possible involvement in corruption when he was vice-president, but also about his support for Israel in the Middle East conflict.

“The culmination of early polls of voters that show a gloomy outlook for his re-election prospects over the past few weeks,” Fox News writes.

In addition to Biden, the list of political losers includes former House Speaker Kevin McCarthy, who is set to retire in October 2023, accused fraudster Congressman George Santos (New York Republican) and Virginia Governor Glenn Youngkin.

Recall, earlier the channel News Nation said that the inhabitants of the United States have more debts than at any time in history. Today, the cost of living for the average American has increased by 14 per cent, and the total debt of American citizens has reached $17 trillion.