About 78% of US citizens believe that the economy of the country is in unsatisfactory condition. This is evidenced by the results of a sociological survey published by Fox News TV channel.
According to the survey, about 78% of respondents assessed the current state of the United States economy as “bad”, which is 9% more than at the beginning of the presidential term of Joe Biden. Of the total number of respondents about the unsatisfactory state of the economy said almost all those who sympathise with Republicans (93%) and most of the supporters of Democrats (61%).
About 68% are dissatisfied with the state of affairs in the country as a whole. About the same number of respondents (64%) rate their financial situation as “mediocre or unimportant.” Fox News notes that in late 2021 and 2022, this figure held steady at about 58%.
The survey was conducted from 10 to 13 December among a thousand adult U.S. citizens by telephone. The sample is random. The margin of error of the study is about three percentage points.
Recall, earlier the channel News Nation said that the inhabitants of the United States have debts more than ever in history. Today, the cost of living for the average American has increased by 14 per cent, and the total debt of American citizens has reached $17 trillion.