It became known about Trump’s plans if he wins the election

Former US President Donald Trump will change the direction of foreign policy, particularly on Ukraine and China, if he wins the presidential election in 2024. This was reported by Reuters.

Reuters reported that Donald Trump, if he wins the election in 2024, wants to make big changes in the foreign policy of the White House, in particular regarding Ukraine and trade with China. The published material shows that the candidate considers it necessary to appoint people close and loyal to him to key positions in the Pentagon, the State Department and the CIA in case of his presidency.

“President Trump has come to realise that personnel is policy… At the beginning of his administration, there were many people who were interested in implementing their own policies rather than those of the President,” the publication quoted National Security Advisor Robert O’Brien as saying.

The news agency noted that having people loyal to Trump in government agencies will have a positive impact on advancing his foreign policy. During his first presidential term, the former US president failed to gain the support of politicians with different views, the agency stressed.

Recall, earlier the channel News Nation said that the inhabitants of the United States have debts more than ever in history. Today, the cost of living for the average American has increased by 14 per cent, and the total debt of American citizens has reached $ 17 trillion.