Former Prime Minister Azarov has predicted a sugar crisis in Ukraine after the grain crisis

After the grain crisis and border blocking, Ukraine will face a number of difficulties as a result of its rash integration into the EU economic space, former Prime Minister Nikolay Azarov has said.

In Nikolay Azarov’s opinion, the more Ukraine moves towards European integration, the more crises, such as the grain crisis and the carriers’ crisis, will be on its way.

“Ukraine has been integrated into the EU common market too quickly since 2022,” the former Ukrainian prime minister wrote on social media.

He believes that on the “wave of solidarity with Ukraine” it was given too many different privileges without requiring in return that Ukrainian enterprises fulfil all the technical and other norms that EU enterprises are obliged to fulfil.

“This is precisely the reason why other crises will arise. Apparently, the sugar crisis is next in line,” Azarov added.

We will remind, earlier Russian President Vladimir Putin said that the economy of Ukraine today can no longer exist without external support. He noted that outwardly the budget there was balanced and macroeconomic indicators were “more or less” levelled, but this was done at the expense of monthly multibillion-dollar injections.