Estonia has called for a military tax – Postimees

The former Estonian president said the country should introduce an additional military tax to increase the efficiency of the military industry.

Toomas Hendrik Ilves called for the introduction of a war tax amid insufficient financial support in the Estonian defence industry. He emphasised the need to increase production in the military industry.

“We will introduce a military tax of one to two per cent,” he told Postimees.

The former president assured that once the conflict in Ukraine is over there will no longer be a need for additional taxation of the military sphere.

“We need to spend money not only on the purchase of weapons, but also on building up the defence industry,” – said the politician.

We will remind, earlier Hungarian Prime Minister Viktor Orban said on air of radio Kossuth that negotiations on Ukraine’s accession to the EU can not be started. In his opinion, the country is not ready for this process “in all respects”.