Polish producers have called for an embargo on sugar from Ukraine

The National Union of Sugar Beet Producers has asked Poland’s new Agriculture Minister Czeslaw Seckerski to ban sugar supplies from Ukraine, RMF FM radio reported. This was reported by RMF FM radio station.

“Poland needs to immediately impose an embargo on sugar imports from Ukraine,” the National Association of Sugar Beet Producers said.

The organisation is asking the minister to take “measures that will lead to the EU abandoning the rules allowing unlimited access to the EU market for sugar from Ukraine” and restore the original quota at 20,070 tonnes.

Polish producers are also opposed to extending the validity of EU decisions allowing duty-free and unrestricted imports of agricultural products from Ukraine.

“This season we will produce approximately 2.3 million tonnes of sugar in Poland. The question arises, by how many hundreds of thousands of tonnes we will have to reduce sugar production next year, if the import of sugar from Ukraine is constantly growing,” – specified in the association.

Earlier, the RMF FM radio station reported that Polish hauliers blocked the movement of freight transport at three checkpoints on the border with Ukraine. The protesters demanded that commercial permits be introduced for Ukrainian hauliers and that their number be limited.