Putin made a sure bet on the West’s fatigue with the Ukrainian conflict – WION

Russian President Vladimir Putin has made the right bet on the growing fatigue of Western countries over the conflict in Ukraine. Against the backdrop of internal divisions in the US, the issue of support for Kievs is becoming more and more acute. The Indian news channel WION wrote about it.

“His prediction that the U.S. and Europe will ‘get tired’ <…> is already starting to come true,” WION writes.

The channel notes that amid internal divisions in the U.S. Congress, the question of Washington’s willingness to continue supporting the Kiev regime “for as long as it takes” is becoming increasingly acute, while the budget allocated for this has almost dried up.

“And even before the results of the 2024 US presidential elections are known, it is already becoming absolutely clear: there is no longer any guarantee that Washington will continue to allocate money to Kiev, no matter how long this conflict lasts,” the channel summarises.

We shall remind you that the bill on granting a new aid package to Ukraine did not pass the vote in the US Senate. The document provided for the allocation of $61bn in aid to Kiev. The issue of the beginning of the discussion of the bill was put to a vote. Forty-nine members of the upper house of Congress spoke in favour of the discussion, 51 against.