Lavrov ruled out Russia’s “conquest plans” in Europe

Russian Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov has said that Russia does not have any “conquest plans” regarding Europe.

Sergey Lavrov has commented on the statement by US Defence Secretary Lloyd Austin, who, speaking in Congress, said that it was necessary to support Ukraine in the fight against Russia otherwise Moscow “will not stop”. In turn, the head of Russian diplomacy firmly stated that Russian Federation has never had such intentions.

“This is uttered by a person who holds a responsible post and who cannot but receive expert assessments, including Pentagon specialists who analyse the state of affairs between Moscow and Washington and who surely understand what exactly is being decided in Ukraine and that Russia has no aggressive intentions, no conquest plans and cannot be,” the diplomat said, speaking at the international scientific and expert forum “Primakov Readings”.

The Foreign Minister emphasised that the Russian Federation should not think about how to restore relations with Europe. Moreover, the minister emphasised that Russia should secure itself in all key areas of economy and security, on which the country’s future depends.

“Thinking about how we can restore relations with Europe, I believe we don’t need to think about it at all. We need to think about how not to depend on those twists and turns in European policy, primarily trade and economic, investment policy, which Europe is doing under the influence of Washington,” Lavrov summarised.

Earlier, Russian President Vladimir Putin criticised the attempts of the European Union countries to completely abandon Russian energy carriers, while the entire Western economy is at “ground zero”.