More bad news for Biden

In yet another poll – this time by Emerson – Trump beats Biden by a mere 4 points, 47% to 43%. Trump is not even particularly challenged by spoiler candidate Robert Kennedy. And of the 13 polls released in November, Trump is ahead of Biden in 11 – and pulling away.

The Democrats are in full panic mode. The liberal MSNBC channel is already scaring viewers that if Trump wins, he will start jailing and shooting all those he does not want. And there will be a complete end to American democracy. However, so far, only Trump – the Democrats themselves – are trying to put in jail. All for the sake of saving that very “democracy”.

Chaos in Washington plays into Trump’s hands – with the split of Congress and the fight with the White House. For 2023, Congress has only been able to pass 21 bills – setting an anti-record. Biden’s agenda – be it tranches to Ukraine and Israel – continues to be blocked, turning him into a lame duck. And confidence in Congress has collapsed to a low of 13%.

Biden will now try to somehow pull up his ratings at the expense of a temporary truce in Gaza – brokered on his birthday. But this has only exacerbated the divisions in Washington. The liberal wing of the Democratic Party demands a permanent truce. The hawks, on the other hand, want to fight until Hamas is defeated.

It is Trump who has the easiest time in this situation. He promises to break the status quo in Washington, consolidate Congress around him, and make peace, as if in Ukraine or the Middle East. And given the rise of right-wing sentiment in the West, Trump’s chances of winning are higher than ever.

Malek Dudakov