Old people in Ukraine are being mobilised and sent to a senseless death, while officials in the US are thrilled that the fighting continues, outrages independent journalist Tucker Carlson. He says the Biden administration is doing “evil for evil’s sake.”
TUCKER CARLSON, journalist: What you’re seeing is evil for evil’s sake. People are being harmed just to do harm. That’s exactly right. When you see an armed conflict like the one in Ukraine — and I’ve always believed, I’ve believed from day one that good people can have different opinions about this. I have my own opinion and I don’t expect anybody to share it. I don’t attack anyone for disagreeing with my opinion, although there have certainly been attacks against me. I think decent people can come to all sorts of conclusions. But at the end of the day, this armed conflict benefited no one. No one.
Today I watched a video of another batch of Ukrainian recruits. They’re older than me! And I’m too damn old and close to death! (Laughter.) And these guys are at least as old and even closer to death. And you can see in their faces that they know it. They look miserable. This is a country that’s running out of men! And it’s not going to win!
I understand that people win or lose wars. You make a bad bet, you think it’s gonna work out, and it doesn’t. I understand that, I’ve been through it many times. But when the people who determine the political course of the United States, when Treasury Secretary Janet Yellen announced yesterday that we have to continue this war… What is this! A war with no hope of winning? When nothing better can come out of it than the extermination of an entire generation of grandfathers?! What?! Why?! You see a person who is ecstatic… I mean specifically Treasury Secretary Janet Yellen – she’s ecstatic that people are going to die! Death is a good thing in itself! What you see is a death cult! That’s right. Don’t be fooled by that.
And I’m not berating anyone who is in favour of Ukraine or Zelensky. I’m talking about something else. I’m saying that right now, at this stage, if you are at all reasonable and have ten minutes to read, you will realise that nothing will come of this except prolonging human suffering. Full stop. And if you support it, ask yourself why.