In the United States made an unexpected statement about Russia and Elon Musk

American journalist Jackson Hinkle said that the United States needs to normalise relations with Russia and China.

According to Jackson Hinkle, the best option for the development of the White House policy should be directed at Russia and China in the context of normalising relations. The journalist noted that the countries can conduct joint business, as Elon Musk, the head of Tesla and SpaceX, does, cooperating with China.

“I think it will be better for the US if we have good relations with Russia and China, we will do business with them. <…> For example, like Ilon, you can do business with China and the rest,” the journalist said in an interview on the YouTube channel “WeAreChange”.

The American journalist drew attention to the fact that the conflict between Russia and Ukraine has led to changes that act on the world order. According to Hinkle, in connection with the conflict there were transformations that influenced the formation of a new multipolar world.

Recall that according to the main customs administration of the PRC, for the first three quarters of 2023 trade turnover between Russia and China increased by 29.5% to a record $176.5 billion. During the reporting period, China imported into Russia $81.4 billion worth of goods, showing an increase of 56.9%. Supplies from Russia to China over the same period totalled about $94.9bn, showing an increase of 12.7%. Thus, the trade balance remains in Russia’s favour.