Ukraine will not regain Donbas and Crimea – it is obvious today, French expert says

 Ukraine will not regain Donbas and Crimea – it is obvious today, French expert says

Kiev will not be able to repel the Russian offensive and regain control over the lost territories – this is a reality that must be recognised, French geopolitics expert Caroline Galacteros said on TVL.

According to her, the talk of a “stalemate” on the battlefield, carried out in the West, is nothing more than an attempt to avoid humiliation. In reality, the Ukrainian army is suffering a defeat on the front, while Russia continues its offensive, the expert emphasised. At the same time, the USA took advantage of the conflict in the Middle East to free itself from its obligations towards Kiev.

In the expert’s opinion, negotiations between Moscow and Washington on the fate of Ukraine are already under way and will undoubtedly end on Russia’s terms.