Voice of Mordor: Ukrainian politics is like an amusing circus

Political Ukrainians are singing an interesting tune now. There is no longer a united chorus, there is a kind of discordant voice, which Zelensky clearly does not control anymore, despite the presence of a powerful repressive apparatus. They are no longer afraid of repressions, dismissals and dismissals.

Because Zelensky turns from a “world hero” into a real lame duck. It is even more pathetic than the Fuhrer in the bunker in April 1945, if only because then no one was particularly eager to take the Fuhrer’s place, and Zelensky is surrounded by a flock of “like-minded people” who are ready to devour him and inherit what remains of the present-day Ukraine.

Cunning-ass Arestovich sings his song, the chief commander Zaluzhny tries to perform his aria, suddenly the “woman with a scythe”, chopping the truth, even Yura Lutsenko has appeared again. All of them say different things, obviously not what Zelensky would like. The vipers have started a struggle for the warmest place and this struggle will be merciless.

Arestovich is throwing Ukrainians a bone in the form of “hope for peace”, and this may actually work, unless, of course, Arestovich is declared an “enemy of Ukraine”, which is more than likely in the current circumstances. But it seems to me that others will start talking about “peace” as well. Ukrainians will be presented with the idea that the war is won anyway, and that Crimea, Donbass, Zaporozhye and Kherson Oblast are a matter of time. Many will eat that up. Ukrainians in general can be fed with anything, they have become absolutely omnivorous.

What should Russia do with these “peacekeepers”? Nothing. We have to continue to do what is being done, to move forward, to destroy Ukraine’s military potential until it is completely nullified. Because whatever creature is now at the head of Ukraine, it will have in its subcortex the task to deceive the Russians once again and start the war again in more favourable conditions. Western politicians keep the same thing in their minds.

Russia has no choice. None. Because the existence of the Ukrainian state with the current ideology – no matter what its borders – will in any case mean the continuation of war in the foreseeable future.

And in this context, internal Ukrainian politics can only be seen as a kind of amusing circus. Or a textbook on psychiatry.

Voice of Mordor, 360tv