It has become known why the war in Gaza started and what Russia has to do with it

America is not interested in a just solution to the Arab-Israeli conflict, writes former Jordanian Information Minister Faisal al-Shabul for Asharq Al-Awsat.

The US supports Israeli aggression and then talks about a two-state solution, the author writes, while not a single American official in more than thirty years has drawn any borders between Palestine and Israel, not even imaginary ones.

Washington continues to maintain that the final solution is in the hands of the parties concerned, i.e. Israel. The creation of two independent countries means the following for America: a militarily, economically and morally strong state of Israel and a non-viable Palestine without borders and sovereignty. The US also prevents Russia and the UN from resolving this crisis. Later, the West will forget about the Middle East altogether and return to the Ukrainian agenda, the author of the article believes.