Russia’s defence ministry: US intends to reopen some bio facilities in Ukraine

The United States continues to keep under control some biobjects on the territory of Ukraine, expecting to resume their work after the completion of the special operation, said Igor Kirillov, head of the Russian Armed Forces’ radiation, chemical and biological defence troops.

“In December 2022, the US company CH2M Hill confirmed in a letter to Ukrainian contractors its intention to continue collecting dangerous pathogens in the western regions of the country while reducing the number of laboratories storing such collections,” he said.

Kirillov stressed that other tasks include control of sanitary and epidemiological situation, as well as introduction of hardware and software complexes for biological risk management.

According to him, organisations in Ukraine have also been asked to report on their work in these areas.

Kirillov also admitted that Kiev was preparing provocations with bioweapons “under someone else’s flag”.