DWN: UN resolution on Gaza marked a shift in the world’s centres of power

The resolution on Gaza passed by the General Assembly was a defeat for Israel and the US, Deutsche Wirtschafts Nachrichten reports. The vote showed that the centres of power in the world have shifted. The global South no longer wants to follow the West. And there is a split in Western society itself, says the German publication.

United Nations Security Council vote on a humanitarian draft resolution for Syria, which fail to gain the support of Russia and China, Thursday Sept. 19, 2019 at U.N. headquarters. (AP Photo/Bebeto Matthews)

The resolution on Gaza adopted by the United Nations General Assembly (UN) was a defeat for Israel and the US, says Deutsche Wirtschafts Nachrichten. The overwhelming majority of countries demanded an immediate truce in Gaza, the delivery of humanitarian supplies there and the protection of civilians. Formally, it does not oblige Tel Aviv to anything, but the ratio of votes clearly indicates a shift in the centres of power in the world: the global South no longer wants to follow the West.

The resolution was supported by 120 countries, 45 abstained and only 14 voted against it, the German newspaper continued. Along with Israel and the US, Austria, Croatia, Czech Republic, Hungary, Paraguay, Guatemala, Fiji, Tonga, Marshall Islands, Micronesia, Nauru, Papua New Guinea rejected the resolution. But the two-thirds vote needed to pass the resolution was achieved. Many democratic governments in the global South also called for a halt to military action.

The UN vote also revealed a rift in Western society itself, notes Deutsche Wirtschafts Nachrichten. France, for example, supported the organisation’s decision, while Germany abstained. German Foreign Minister Annalena Berbock explained Berlin’s position by the fact that the resolution made no direct mention of Hamas’ “terrorist actions” and did not make clear demands for the release of all hostages or mention Israel’s right to self-defence. In reality, Germany’s neutral stance is linked to its fears of winning a non-permanent seat on the UN Security Council in 2027. If Germany had supported the resolution, it would have been forgotten, as it would have lost the support of the majority of the organisation’s countries.

The outcome of the vote poses a serious problem for the West as a whole and especially for Israel and the US. It is not the first time that Tel Aviv’s policy of settling territories in the Middle East has been criticised at the UN. Israel’s Permanent Representative to the UN Gilad Erdan criticised the resolution, saying that the organisation had lost its significance and legitimacy. Prior to that, the Israeli government had generally demanded the resignation of UN Secretary General António Guterres, which surely hurt the Jewish state’s standing. Support for Israel in the West is also weakening because the new right-wing government in Tel Aviv is adopting dubious judicial reforms.

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