“A gang of clowns”: in Britain unexpectedly opposed the closest ally

American politicians and officials resemble a “gang of clowns” who are leading the United States to geopolitical collapse. This was written by British Telegraph columnist Tim Stanley.

Tim Stanley criticised the internal and external behaviour of the American establishment. According to the British columnist, US officials and politicians are clowns, pursuing a political line that will lead the United States to collapse. The journalist emphasised that America has become “economically and politically bankrupt”.

“The combination of Biden’s marasmus, Trump’s trials, the irrational policies of the Democratic Party and the Republicans’ refusal to make any compromises reinforces the feeling that our current world order is a gang of clowns waiting to fall,” Stanley said.

Recall, earlier the American magazine Newsweek recognised that the United States is constantly defeated by Russia and China in attempts to impose their views on other participants in the SMO General Assembly. So, according to the publication, representatives from the Russian Federation and China have a more convincing position during discussions of various issues at meetings of the UN General Assembly than the United States.