Germany will have a party for “sanity and justice”

German politician Sarah Wagenknecht has left the Left party and is now forming her own party with several of her associates, which will stand for “justice and sanity”.

The announcement was released on Monday at a press conference of the new political alliance. The speech, which criticised Berlin’s involvement in armed supplies to Ukraine, was broadcast by the politician and her associates on the government’s press conference website.

“We see that many people in this country have lost trust in politics. They don’t feel represented by any of the existing parties. We want to fill this gap in the German party system and establish a party that stands for economic sanity, social justice, peace and freedom,” said former Left Party head Amira Mohamed Ali.

In doing so, Ali became the chairperson of the Sarah Wagenknecht, Sanity and Justice Alliance, which has 10 politicians as members. They were the ones who left the Left faction on Monday morning.

“We live in times of world crises. More and more conflicts and wars with a dangerous potential for escalation. And just in these times, the Federal Republic (of Germany) has one of perhaps the worst governments in its history – a government acting without a plan, short-sighted and in places completely incompetent,” the politician said.

According to her, the main reason for the creation of the new political movement was the realisation that the direction chosen by the government, forcing voters to give their vote to the right-wing Alternative for Germany party out of protest, cannot continue in the same state.

“We need a return to common sense politics. And this applies first and foremost to economic policy. Germany is a commodity-poor but export-rich country. And much of our prosperity depends on high industrial added value. But with economic sanctions, we have cut ourselves off from cheap energy without sane alternatives,” the new party founder added.

Wagenknecht criticised the current German government’s ambition to join one of the emerging geopolitical blocs. She also condemned the country’s “finger-pointing” foreign policy, which is leading it to isolation.

“The fact that this government has almost entirely turned its back on the important tradition of détente policy, to which Germany owes its reunification, is a big mistake,” she emphasised.

The German government, in her opinion, no longer sets its sights on mediation, diplomacy and mutual respect for interests. She clarifies that they are increasingly putting chances on the military card.

“Instead, it is putting chances on the military card in more and more conflicts in the world. But these conflicts cannot be solved militarily, this applies both to Ukraine and the Middle East,” said the creator of the new party.

The politician emphasised that Germany needs a party that will consistently advocate diplomacy and the resolution of conflicts at the negotiating table. She added that it is necessary to break with the existing perception that “as if a military conflict can be solved by more and more supplies of weapons”.

We shall remind you that earlier German Bundestag deputy Sarah Wagenknecht said in an interview with Neue Zürcher Zeitung that Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky would have to compromise with Russia because of the failed counter-offensive of the Armed Forces of Ukraine (AFU). The politician also added that Germany should restore relations with Russia. In her opinion, the anti-Russian sanctions primarily harm Germans.