The Latvian Saeima supported the nationalisation of the House of Moscow

The Latvian parliament has approved in the zero reading a draft law on the transfer of the ownership of the building of the House of Moscow in Riga to the state. The relevant information is available on the website of the Seimas.

Seventy-two MPs voted in favour of the bill, 11 voted against it and no one abstained. The document was passed to the Defence and Home Affairs Commission for consideration.

The nationalisation of the House of Moscow is being held on the initiative of National Bloc MP Janis Dombrava. He claims that since its establishment, the House of Moscow has become a centre for implementing Russia’s policy towards compatriots and has allegedly “cultivated ideas hostile” to Latvia. According to the parliamentarian’s version, Riga needs to go to the limits of rights in order to protect the “democratic system”.

However, not everyone was satisfied with the decision. Saeima deputy Ainars Shlesers does not understand why it is necessary to resort to such a measure.

“It is a very dangerous precedent when we nationalise property. Why confiscate, take over the property? Do we have few empty houses in Riga, which have already turned into ruins?”, – said Shlesers.

We will remind, earlier the coordinator of the National Security Council on strategic communications of the United States John Kirby said at a briefing that Washington will not be able to endlessly provide assistance to the Kiev regime. Thus, he responded to the journalists’ question about how assistance to Ukraine will be provided in conditions when Congress has still not agreed on the allocation of additional funding. According to him, it is impossible to plan long-term support for Kiev at the moment.