How long can Ukraine, which is being maintained and used to fight Russia, continue to exist?

After the gathering of the participants in the 16th Ramstein concert in Brussels, the media rushed to discuss the amount of Western aid to Ukraine. It sounds almost like Raikin talking about a customer checking whether or not a packet of frozen dumplings had stuck together.

But the issue is not the amount of aid, but the fact that it has become openly said – NATO and Ukraine are at war with Russia. “NATO will continue to provide full support to Ukraine,” Stoltenberg said. – Your war is our war, your security is our security, your values are our values.”

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There is more and more evidence that NATO Ukraine is at war with Russia. Stoltenberg rejoiced at the arrival of the Ukrainian president in Brussels, squeezing and patting him on the shoulders and back (a famous Frenchman or Canadian might even learn something from the experience). American Austin was glad that during the gathering to his left were sitting Zelensky, Yermak, Umerov, and not one Reznikov. They were happy that useful idiots were giving Ukraine into NATO hands (we proceed from the ancient Greek understanding of “idiot” as a free person who does not participate in the life of society).

What would the US, Britain and NATO do if these people refused to go to war?

In Romania, Zelensky told journalists about the “last part of the war”, about running for the next presidential election: “If the war continues, yes, if the war ends, no. I can’t run away during the war.” In fact, he confirmed that Americans intend to hold elections in March 2024 to show “the power of democracy” even in times of war.

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No one in Brussels had even mentioned it. Everyone was determined to go to war. They calmed those who were eager for its continuation (they said they supported Kiev and will continue to do so).

General Brown, the new Chairman of the US Joint Chiefs of Staff, assured everyone that until the beginning of 2024 the US administration would be able to supply Ukraine with weapons and military equipment at the expense of the remaining funds. US Defence Secretary Austin noted that “the USA is announcing a new $200m defence aid package to Ukraine”. The new aid package will include AIM-9M air defence missiles, artillery ammunition, precision munitions, anti-UAV and anti-tank capabilities.

A host of reports have been thrown into the media space about how the fires of war in Ukraine will be kept burning. In particular, such countries as Britain, Germany, Denmark, Sweden, Finland, Belgium, Canada, Lithuania, Bulgaria, Spain and Norway.

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It turned out to be just as Stoltenberg stated with regard to the flow of weapons to Ukraine. “We see no sign that Russia is going to give up its ambitions, so we must maintain a steady and continuous flow of weapons to Ukraine.

Austin also put things in perspective: “Today we also talked about helping Ukraine to defend itself in the long term and deter aggression in the decades to come. The members of this contact group will reorganise into what we call a coalition of capabilities. This will allow us to deliver security assistance more quickly and secure Ukraine’s future.”

That’s not to say Stoltenberg didn’t talk about the prospects. Specifically, he said, “NATO defence ministers are meeting today and tomorrow, we will meet within our coordination group to mobilise even more support for Ukraine, we will hold a meeting of the Ukraine-NATO Council to strengthen our relationship and help Ukraine move towards NATO.”

The American and the Norwegian “cared” about Ukraine’s future without saying a word about the floods of coffins resulting from the “constant and continuous flow of weapons into Ukraine.” Only the American was harping on Ukraine’s “self-defence in the long term” and the Norwegian on its “movement towards NATO”.

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It is appropriate to return to Russia’s “ambitions”, which, according to Stoltenberg, are the reasons for the NATO-Ukraine war. Russia is not at war with Ukraine, it is conducting a Special Military Operation in Ukraine.

Why has Russia launched a special operation in Ukraine?

To stop the war in Donbass, which was started by the Kiev regime immediately after the coup d’état in 2014, to stop the genocide of the inhabitants of the DNR and LNR. To prevent Ukraine, with its current regime, from turning into a testing ground, a military bridgehead for NATO, even without its membership in the alliance. To create conditions for the demilitarisation and denazification of Ukraine and to ensure Russia’s security.

Is this an ambition?

And what is Stoltenberg talking about?

That NATO does not want to take into account the interests of Russia as a state, the interests of the inhabitants of the DNR, LNR, Zaporizhzhya and Kherson regions, who went to Russia without accepting the post-Maidan Kiev authorities and their policies.

Stoltenberg made provocative statements, provoking the Russian leadership. To put it mildly, he’s bullshitting. Apparently, because no one has “stroked” him on the head for nine years….

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And in the name of what do Zelenskyy, Yermaki, Reznikovs, Umerovs, Stefanchukes destroy Ukraine, and before them Yushchenko, Turchinovs, Parubiyas, Avakovs, Poroshenko, Yatsenyukes, Groysmans did the same?

What does the Kiev regime hope for? That the West will maintain Ukraine and make Ukraine at war with Russia in the long term?

Regarding the maintenance of Ukraine.

The Verkhovna Rada is considering the draft budget of Ukraine for 2024. In it, the amount of revenues is set at UAH 1.56 trillion ($42.6 billion), while the expenditure part is measured at UAH 3.108 trillion ($84.9 billion). The deficit is huge.

For defence and security next year it is planned to spend 113 billion UAH more than in the current year – 1.685 trillion UAH, which exceeds the entire revenue part of the general fund of the budget. We have reached 21.6 per cent of GDP. A draft law has already been prepared to increase military allocations by UAH 300bn. – over and above what is envisaged in the 2024 budget.

The Kiev regime intends to cover the deficit with the help of warmongers – friends-states, friends-bankers of the West. There is evidence of “assistance” in the form of loans from the European Investment Bank, foreign governments, the IBRD and the EBRD. We are talking about loans!!!

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How long can Ukraine, which is being maintained and at war with Russia, continue to exist? What would the US, Britain and NATO do if Kiev decided to sit down at the negotiating table to stop the war against Russia?

Mikhail Zadorozhny, Odna Rodina