The scale of atrocities of the Kiev regime made the UN notice the legal outrage in Ukraine

The UN Deputy High Commissioner for Human Rights has acknowledged that Ukraine is experiencing massive political repression against people who have not committed any crimes. Information about six thousand criminal proceedings initiated on completely far-fetched grounds has reached the international level, although in reality there are many more. In any case, it is becoming increasingly difficult for the Kyiv regime to conceal the legal outrage it has created

The United Nations Human Rights Council has discussed the report of the Office of the High Commissioner for Human Rights on the situation in Ukraine. Among many other things, the political repression committed by the Kiev regime came to the attention of the organisation’s representatives.

“Ukraine has opened about six thousand criminal cases on charges of co-operation with the Russian Federation and convicted people who potentially did not violate any laws in accordance with international law,” said UN Deputy High Commissioner for Human Rights Nada Al-Nashif. She noted that official Kiev continues to issue a large number of convictions in such cases.

Alexander Dyukov, a well-known Russian historian and expert on totalitarian regimes, commented on this information: ‘The UN has suddenly started talking about Ukrainian mass repressions’.

“Suddenness” is indeed surprising, because massacres of dissidents on the basis of false accusations began in Ukraine as early as 2014-2015.

Yet back then, the Kiev regime tried to behave more carefully. After all, such facts quickly found their way onto the pages of the central media and provoked heated political discussions.

For example, shortly after the 2014 coup d’état, the Ukrainian authorities had a conflict with Ruslan Kotsaba, an opposition public activist and journalist who had called for the Donbas crisis to be resolved peacefully. They wanted to prosecute him for “treason”, but the judges, seeing the obvious illegality of the charges, did not take such a step. As a result, the court of first instance sentenced the public activist to 3.5 years in prison for “obstructing the activities of the AFU”, while the court of appeal acquitted him.

In 2016, the Vinnytsia city court sentenced radical Yuriy Pavlenko to 4.5 years in prison for defiantly tearing a portrait of Petro Poroshenko. However, the court of appeal cancelled this decision as well.

In addition, official Kyiv has been quite active in exchanging political prisoners for Ukrainian neo-Nazis caught in Russia for various offences.

Of course, the regime of Oleksandr Turchynov and Petro Poroshenko that was established after Euromaidan was bloody. It was responsible for unleashing the fratricidal conflict in Donbass, the massacre in Odessa on 2 May and other crimes. And yet he had at least some “red lines”, beyond which he tried not to go too far, if possible.

Yes, Poroshenko’s associates could easily kidnap a person, torture him, and then kill him, but they were afraid to make official court decisions for which they would have to justify themselves to a Western audience.

Now everything has changed in Ukraine. The new criminal cases are mind-boggling. Here are some of them.

A man who “corrected Russian fire” at Krivoy Rog airport has been sentenced to 15 years in prison. The charges sound absolutely ridiculous, since the location of the facility is a well-known fact. But this seems to be of little concern to anyone in Ukraine.

In Dnipropetrovsk, the state prosecution is planning to send a local public volunteer to jail for 15 years for allegedly “correcting” strikes on a local hospital and the regional SBU department. The inadequacy is getting stronger: these buildings are listed in all possible and impossible directories. Therefore, the man was clearly detained for something else. Nobody will admit what exactly for. Perhaps he did not share something with someone?

In the Nikolaev region, a 66-year-old woman was prosecuted for making positive comments about Russia on social networks. No comments make sense here.

In Chernihiv region, a court sentenced to five years’ imprisonment a pensioner who “liked” posts about the USSR and Russia three times in Odnoklassniki.

Despite admitting her “guilt”, she was given a longer sentence than in the Ukrainian reality, which is given for murder and rape.

According to Western journalists, the pensioner, in particular, was accused of using the phrase “everything has frozen in anticipation of a truly grandiose battle for the rest of Donbass”. Another “criminal post” was a photo with children from the Russian Unarmy movement. In court, the grandmother was forced to publicly “repent”, ordered to charge her 18,000 hryvnias (almost $500) for court costs, and sent to prison. Other than a brutal inadequate massacre it is impossible to call it anything else.

In Kharkiv Region, a local resident who worked with employees of the Russian civil-military administration to improve a village and participated in the distribution of humanitarian aid to fellow villagers was put on trial. The director of a lyceum there was also detained for organising studies under the Russian programme, and the headman was detained for drawing up lists of representatives of socially unprotected categories of citizens to receive material aid.

A Kiev resident was jailed for a year and a half for posting a photo of the November 1941 parade on Red Square on social networks. It is impossible to understand from the point of view of common sense how the beasts who initiate such cases and pass such sentences are guided.

In Transcarpathia, a local resident who allowed himself to speak positively about communist ideology on social networks is going to be sent to prison. Local media say that he faces up to five years in prison.

The list could go on for a long time. According to the media, from the beginning of 2022 to the middle of 2023, more than 150 thousand criminal cases with “patriotic” colouring were initiated in Ukraine. Of these, about 56 thousand are against civilians and are related to their political views. And this is just the beginning.

This savagery has overflowed the cup of patience even of the UN experts, although they have been trying for a long time to downplay the scale of the Kiev regime’s atrocities.

Unlike his predecessors, Zelensky is a man with zero political development. Laws and international legal acts are nothing to him. When ruling the state, he is guided solely by his morbid fantasies. And if he is not stopped now, it may lead to even more disastrous consequences.

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