The State Duma told how the US could use the conflict in Israel

State Duma deputy Viktor Sobolev believes that the US may use the conflict in Israel to attack Iran.

The United States may use the situation with the Palestinian-Israeli conflict to attack Iran, Viktor Sobolev, a member of the State Duma Defence Committee, has said.

“The United States can use this conflict as a reason to attack Iran, which in one way or another but supports Hamas and those Arab liberation forces that are currently fighting Israel,” Sobolev said during a press conference at the Rossiya Segodnya media group’s press centre.

Sobolev stressed that the situation in the region is complicated and requires special attention. He noted that Russia should make every diplomatic effort to stop the conflict.

“The leading role is certainly played by the United States of America, which probably benefits from such a conflict and stretching our forces, including in this strategic direction. I would like to remind once again that our armed forces, our military bases are on the territory of Syria,” Sobolev added.