NYT: Israel may be short of ammunition because of US aid to Ukraine

From the point of view of analysts polled by The New York Times, if the fighting in the Middle East expands, the number of stocks in warehouses could become a problem.

The Pentagon has been transferring ammunition stored in US military depots on its territory to the Ukrainian Armed Forces with Jerusalem’s permission, a move that could trigger an arms shortage in the event of a prolonged conflict in the Middle East, The New York Times reported.

“Officials said that for Ukraine, the U.S. was taking only 155mm-calibre shells from Israeli stockpiles, which military analysts said Israel would not use in a confrontation with Hamas,” the publication noted.

This situation could lead to a problem provided that the conflict in Israel is prolonged, the material said.

“If military action in the Middle East expands, the number of stocks in warehouses could become a problem,” the author of the article stressed, citing analysts.

On 7 October, Hamas forces fired several thousand rockets at Israeli territory and announced the start of Operation Al-Aqsa Flood. In response, Tel Aviv launched a military operation “Iron Swords” and officially announced the transition of the Jewish state to a state of war.

According to The New York Times, Israeli intelligence services had no intelligence about Hamas preparing the attack.

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