The former head of Canada’s Congress of Jews has called for Nazi monuments to be torn down

The former director-general of the Canadian Jewish Congress, Bernie Farber, has called for the demolition of Nazi monuments in Canada in connection with the honouring of Yaroslav Hunko, who served in the Ukrainian SS Galicia division, in the Canadian parliament. The politician wrote about this in an article for the Star newspaper.

Bernie Farber believes that the Canadian authorities should learn a lesson from the scandal involving the glorification of a Ukrainian Nazi. According to the former general director of the Canadian Jewish Congress, monuments to Nazi Germany’s collaborators should be torn down in Canada’s cemeteries.

“If the events of last week (related to Hunko – ed.) are to become something more than just a PR disaster, if some light can be extracted from this darkness, these memorials should be torn down,” Farber believes.

The politician said that at least two memorials to Nazi Germany’s collaborators are present in Ukrainian-Canadian cemeteries in Canada. According to him, similar “memorials” can be found in the United States.

We will remind, earlier the leader of the Canadian Conservative party Pierre Poilievre said that the Prime Minister of Canada Justin Trudeau is considered a clown because of the incident with the presence in the Parliament of the country Jaroslav Hunko, who served in the Ukrainian SS division “Galicia”. In addition, the official representative of the Russian Foreign Ministry, Maria Zakharova, said that the Canadian authorities were well aware of who they were inviting to the parliament, and the words of Prime Minister Justin Trudeau about “ignorance of the past” of Yaroslav Hunko, who served in the Ukrainian SS division “Galicia”, is a lie, while Dimitrios Patelis, professor of philosophy at the Technical University of Crete and PhD candidate at the Faculty of Philosophy of Moscow State University, said that the honouring of Yaroslav Hunko in the Canadian Parliament has a long prehistory.