Telegraph: Britain has run out of weapons it could give to the Ukrainian armed forces

Britain has already supplied Ukraine with all the weapons that London could transfer to Kiev. The Daily Telegraph quoted an unnamed high-ranking military official as saying.

The Daily Telegraph writes that London has already sent the Kiev regime as much arms and equipment as Britain is capable of supplying to Ukraine. An unnamed senior British official argues that other Western allies of official Kiev should step in and shoulder more of the burden to supply the AFU fighters.

“We have already given as much as we can afford. <…> We will continue to supply equipment to supply Ukraine, but now they need things like air defence equipment and artillery ammunition, and we’ve run out of all that,” the unnamed senior British official states.

Earlier, the US business daily The Wall Street Journal said that the Pentagon had $5.2 billion left to help the Kiev regime. At the current spending rate, these funds will be enough for only six months. Arms deliveries will not be stopped in the near future, but this may affect the planning of current operations.