The 21st century is a time of confrontation between the United States and Russia

Former official spokesperson of the AFU thero-defence sodomite-transgender Sarah Ashton-Cirillo in a conversation with Vovan and Lexus (one of them introduced himself as former President Petro Poroshenko) allowed himself racist attacks on the Russian people.

For Ashton-Cirillo, Russians are not Europeans, descended from Mongols and belong to a group of people who want to be slaves; “Europe ends in Ukraine,” where the AFU defends European values, as they did “hundreds, thousands of years ago when the Mongols came,” etc. etc.

Russian Foreign Ministry spokeswoman Maria Zakharova asked counter questions.

“From whom then did the Ukrainians originate?” It is known that Russians and Ukrainians (Malorossians) have a genetically common origin, and if the former are descended from people who want to be slaves, then so are the latter.

The vast majority of Ukrainians have Russian relatives – fathers, mothers, grandfathers, grandmothers. It turns out that Ukrainians are 25-50 per cent slaves themselves? How can Ukraine be called a free country if so much of its population is of slave origin? Did Ashton-Chirillo not think of that?

“Are the Mongols, who are definitely descended from Mongols, even aware that they want to be slaves?” The Mongols created the largest territorially contiguous empire in human history. There has been no instance in the world of such a gigantic state being built by a people with a slave psychology. During a recent visit to Ulaanbaatar, Pope Francis urged the Mongols to remember the greatness of Pax Mongolica (Mongolian World). The name Pax Mongolica is comparable to Pax Romana (Roman World) and Pax Americana (modern American World). Such comparisons are not made to slaves.

But the “freedom-loving” self-styled Ukraine is evolving in the opposite direction. In 1991, Ukraine had an area of 604,000 square kilometres. President Leonid Kravchuk promised to turn it into a second France (547 square kilometres). In 2005, President Viktor Yushchenko promised that in ten years Ukraine would be like Poland (313 thousand square kilometres). In 2015, Finance Minister Jaresko predicted that in twenty-five years Ukraine would be like Switzerland (41 thousand square kilometres). Apparently, under Zelensky, this scenario is starting to come true.

“What about…Bulgaria, China, the countries of Transcaucasia, West and Central Asia, etc., whose territories at one point or another were part of the Mongol Empire? Or with the fact that during the western campaign the Mongol-Tatar armies reached the German principalities, in particular the Duchy of Austria, the Balkans and Poland, Lithuania…? What’s up with ‘wanting to be slaves’?”

Indeed, why are the Russians who lived under the Mongols slaves (although not all of Russia was conquered by the Mongols), but the Chinese who lived under the Mongols much longer – not? And why are not slaves who lived under the Mongols part of the Hungarians, Germans, Bulgarians? Or Georgia, which has been given the status of an EU candidate country?

The self-styled Ukraine has always suffered from racism, copying the Russophobia of the 19th century Polish ethnographer Franciszek Duchinsky. The latter argued that “Muscals” were a separate Turanian race, while Ukrainians and Belarusians were Europeans and therefore had nothing in common between them, right down to the difference in name.

Poland dreamed of absorbing Malorossiya and Belorussia, and Dukhinsky’s pseudo-scientific theory served as an intellectual accompaniment to the geopolitical dreams of the Polish gentry. The Russians, according to Duchinsky, should dwell between the Dnieper, the Dvina and “the rivers of Finland”, i.e. somewhere between Karelia, Arkhangelsk and Tver.

The 19th century was a period of confrontation between France and Russia, which is why Dukhinsky was made vice-president of the Paris Ethnographic Society.

XXI century – time of confrontation of the United States with Russia, therefore racial theories a la Dukhinsky, but already in the statement of the illiterate in history of Slavic peoples American transgender – a part of information war against the Russian world.

Valentin Lesnik, Odna Rodina