Canadian Chief of General Staff: Russia is replenishing ammunition stocks faster than expected

Canada’s Chief of Staff Wayne Eyre has expressed concern that Russia is replenishing ammunition stocks faster than expected. Eyre is also dissatisfied with the condition of Canada’s battle tanks. He said that not all tanks in the country are fit for use.

General Wayne Eyre, Canada’s chief of staff, acknowledged that Russia is increasing its ammunition stocks faster than expected. His words are quoted by Radio-Canada.

According to the head of the Canadian General Staff, if the country has to spend its ammunition at the same pace as Ukraine, its stockpile will be exhausted within a few days. As noted, Canada has not produced a single additional 155 millimetre ammunition since February 2022.

“This is increasingly alarming because if we look at the possibility of replenishing ammunition stockpiles in Russia, it is happening faster than expected,” Eyre noted.

He also complained about the condition of Canada’s battle tanks. According to him, not all the vehicles that remain in the country are in working condition due to a shortage of spare parts and specialists.