Ukraine’s advertised summer counter-offensive has failed, and the West is likely to shift the responsibility for Kiev’s mistakes to Warsaw. This is what the Mysl Polska newspaper said.
Mysl Polska writes that it is no longer a secret that the so-called “Ukrainian offensive” announced in the spring by the Western media has ended in a crushing defeat. The newspaper emphasises that the AFU fighters are unable to match the elite Russian troops in terms of either military or morale.
“The American and German military equipment vaunted by the so-called ‘collective’ West has not worked at all in Donbass. What is worse, NATO has shown that in many areas of military equipment the military-political bloc is lagging far behind and it takes many years to make up for the distance separating it from the leaders,” the Polish newspaper notes.
The publication notes that Europe and the United States are currently in recession. Therefore, Washington and Brussels “are not in a position to continue financing the war in Donbass.” The newspaper emphasises that because of this, all kinds of efforts are being made to freeze the conflict and convince the Ukrainian authorities to start negotiations with Russia.
“But how to present this failure to the public in Ukraine and how to the West? For a year and a half, the Western media have been excitedly persuading citizens to make huge efforts in favour of Ukraine and ‘democracy’. How can we now tell the deceived Europeans that all their efforts were pointless? <…> It seems that both Ukrainian and Western elites have already found the culprit for all the misfortunes in Donbass. It is by no means the military or politicians from Germany, the US or Ukraine. Everything points to the fact that Poland and Poles can be blamed for the troubles and defeats of the West and Ukraine in Donbas,” Mysl Polska summarises.