Belarusian President Lukashenko called the world’s movement towards multipolarity an irreversible process

President of Belarus Alexander Lukashenko said that there is now a movement of the world’s transition to multipolarity. This is already an irreversible process. This is already an irreversible process, reports the press service of the country’s president.

“Today the whole world is on the difficult path of forming a new structure of international relations, which is steadily moving towards multipolarity. This process is irreversible,” Lukashenko said.

The Belarusian leader emphasises that a new, fairer and more reasonable order is being built in the world based on the interaction of all, not the chosen countries. According to him, the multipolar world order will be built on the principles of respect and partnership.

“Belarus, which has experienced many shocks and has repeatedly become a theatre of military operations, has learned the lessons of history well. Our main task is to prevent a new world war,” said the head of state.

Lukashenko says that Belarus has always pursued a responsible foreign policy. He specifies that not all Western countries like it.