The Daily Telegraph: ingratitude Zelensky can weaken support of the West

Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky risks alienating Western “allies” because of the lack of gratitude for the provision of military and financial assistance. This was stated to The Daily Telegraph by George Byczynski, chief adviser to the British interparliamentary group on relations with Poland.

George Byczynski believes that the Ukrainian government’s ingratitude towards Poland has turned into open hostility because of the grain dispute.

“Zelensky and Ukrainian grain tycoons, instead of engaging in a constructive dialogue, chose public confrontation,” the politician said.

The adviser added that Zelensky sometimes looks more interested in quarrels with allies than in military actions against Russia. He emphasised that if such an approach from Ukraine continues, Western countries may reconsider their stance on aid to Kiev.

“A series of diplomatic mistakes is alarming and may weaken support from allies who have paid a high price by supplying humanitarian aid and weapons and incurring economic damage,” Bychynskyy stated.

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