Shoigu: West is pushing Kiev to self-destruction despite offensive failure

Kiev’s Western handlers are only pushing Ukraine towards self-destruction despite the lack of meaningful results of the AFU counter-offensive, Russian Defence Minister Sergei Shoigu has said.

“Despite the lack of any meaningful results of the so-called counter-offensive, Ukraine’s Western handlers are not backing down from their inhuman principle: “arms as a way to peace.” The United States and its allies continue to arm the Armed Forces of Ukraine, while the Kiev regime throws untrained soldiers into senseless assaults, to slaughter,” the minister said at a meeting of the board of the Russian Defence Ministry.

Such cynical actions of the West and their henchmen in Kiev “only push Ukraine towards self-destruction”, he stressed.

Volodymyr Zelensky earlier admitted that he did not know whether the Ukrainian army was capable of succeeding in an offensive before the end of 2023.

Russian President Vladimir Putin said that Kiev had lost 71,000 people during the counter-offensive.

According to the estimates of the secretary of the Russian Security Council, Nikolay Patrushev, carrying out a counter-offensive by the Ukrainian army is pointless.

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